RED DOT Radiology Courses

Welcome to, the website for the distinctive radiology teaching courses that are provided online by Drs Simon Morley, Lol Berman and Gerald de Lacey.
Our teaching approach is based on an interactive format with each registrant analysing sets of images via our server. Powerpoint lectures (when utilised) are kept short and brief. Rather, the priority is placed on the cases analysis by the registrants and the subsequent explanatory tutorial sessions.
NOTICE: All our courses are held on line - live by interactive video
Save yourself a journey and get this exceptional teaching direct into your home. Are you up to scratch? Well, you can test yourself on the on real life images - normal and abnormal . on all of our courses.
PLEASE NOTE: The course contents, including radiographs, are subject to copyright and are the property of Radiology Red Dot Courses Ltd ©. Recording of the lectures as well as reproduction and distribution of any materials forming the contents of this course is strictly prohibited.

The A&E Survival Course
The Chest X-ray Survival Course
The FRCR 2b Rapid Reporting Courses
The Advanced Chest X-ray Study Day
The Red Dot Trauma Course - for Radiographers
The Red Dot Chest X-ray Course - for Radiographers